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Wrap is a layout component that adds a defined space between its children. It wraps its children automatically if there isn't enough space to fit anymore in the same row.

Think of it as a smarter flex-wrap with spacing support. It works really well with things like dialog buttons, tags, and chips.

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import { Wrap } from 'react-native-flex-layout';


In the example below, you see that the last Box wrapped to the next line.

<Box w={56} h={56} />
<Box w={56} h={56} />
<Box w={56} h={56} />

Change the spacing​

Pass the spacing prop to apply consistent spacing between each child, even if it wraps.

<Wrap spacing={16}>
<Box w={56} h={56} />
<Box w={56} h={56} />
<Box w={56} h={56} />

Change the alignment​

Pass the align prop to change the alignment of the child along the cross axis.

Pass the justify prop to change the alignment of the child along the main axis.

<Wrap items="center" spacing={16}>
<Box w={56} h={56} />
<Box w={56} h={56} />
<Box w={56} h={56} />


spacingSpacingThe spacing between children (even if it wraps).
shouldWrapChildrenbooleanIf true, the children will be wrapped in a Box and the Box will take the spacing properties.

...FlexProps , ...SelectorProps